Business Anxiety and the Peace of Mind Data Analytics Can Offer

Value Area: Business Analytics


Mounting Anxiety

For many businesspeople, the present pandemic and economic reopening only adds to their anxiety. As uncertainties increase, so does our anxiety level. It comes to us in those late night thoughts; It seems the order book has increased, but it seems the invoicing has gone down. It seems we’re keeping up with demand, but it seems we’re spending more time executing each job. No time to stop now as we play catch up. We wake up tired.

Uncertainty brings stress in so many ways:
- Second guessing what is the next best thing to do
- The dread of being caught in the flow, but not knowing where your headed
- Worrying about potential problems that never materialize
- Not seeing the latest crisis coming until it’s fully upon you

How Data Analytics Can Help

Answering the questions that tend to bring anxiety can be incredibly calming. You might have more of the answers than you think. For many businesspeople, the answers are there, but they don’t have easy access to the data with the answers. Data Analytic support can really help:
- Let the facts of the data confirm or contradict the “It seems” questions
- Gain a sense of confidence in what you don’t need to be concerned about
- Take advantage of trending to expose potential problems you should address
- Focus your attention of things that are really of value
- Embrace the calm of knowing you’ve put effort into being proactive in your business intelligence

Stillwater Group LLC - Helping Businesspeople find peace of mind

Scott Kittelberger